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We are the Society for Human Welfare and Education; a 25 years old non-profit organization registered under Society Registration Act (21) 1980 since 2008. We believe that quality education can bring positive social change like no other. Our Aim is to make these children a ‘productive member’ of the society. Our Mission is to generate hope around Education and create ecosystems to foster Social, Emotional and Ethical Learning to enable the children of marginalized communities become leaders in social change through constant parental support, teachers training, and community involvement.

Our Founding Members

Advisory Committee

To realize its aspirations of being a global
leader, 21st century India needs to focus on fundamental social building blocks. ALIG as an NGO in India has a focussed
approach on India’s most valuable asset –
its young population. Pursuant to this aspiration, ALIG works on three primary verticals viz Education, Health and Skill Development

Mr. Shadab